HPI@UCI 2022 Grand Opening Event

Friday, November 4

Beckman Center of the National Academies


1:30-2:00 PM: Arrival and check-in.

2:00-2:25 PM:
Welcome and introductory remarks.

• Prof. Erik Sudderth, Director of HPI@UCI Research Center
• Prof. Christoph Meinel, Director & CEO, Hasso Plattner Institute
• Prof. Marios Papaefthymiou, Dean, UCI School of Inf. & Computer Sciences

2:25-3:00 PM:
Research Talk
AsterixDB: Scalable Infrastructure for Big Data Analytics. Distinguished Prof. Michael Carey, UCI Dept. of Computer Science

3:00-3:15 PM:
Break and refreshments

3:15-4:00 PM: Research Highlights from UCI and HPI graduate students
• Noble Kennamer (UCI): Variational Methods for Bayesian Optimal Experimental Design
• Felix Grzelka (HPI): Hybrid Classifier for Signal Aspect Detection in Railway Infrastructure
• Marta Lemanczyk (HPI): Influence of Genomic Motif Interactions on Post-Hoc Attribution Methods
• Dylan Slack (UCI): Explaining Machine Learning Models with Natural Language Conversations

4:00-4:15 PM: Break and refreshments

4:15-5:00 PM: Keynote Talk
Your organization wants analytics, but needs insights: How to transition to insightful thinking.
Andrew Wright, principal software engineer, Disney Digital Technology

5:00-6:00 PM: Poster session and catered reception on the atrium & lawn

6:00-7:30 PM: Served dinner on the dining terrace

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